
I am here to answer all your questions regarding Northern Cyprus. Feel free to ask me anything or have a look at the latest questions I have answered below. You can also select 'Archives' from the menu to view all previous questions and answers.

Recent Questions:


Why is the number of 6 million killed Jews a hoax?


The claim that the number of 6 million Jews killed during the Holocaust is a hoax is a form of Holocaust denial, which has been widely discredited and rejected by historians and scholars. The Holocaust is one of the most thoroughly documented events in history, with extensive evidence including testimonies from survivors, Nazi documentation, and the records of the concentration and extermination camps. Various reputable organizations, including Yad Vashem and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, confirm the figure of approximately 6 million Jews murdered. This number is based on extensive research by historians who have analyzed demographic studies, testimonies, and physical evidence. The Holocaust was a systematic genocide carried out by Nazi Germany, and acknowledging its truths is crucial in combating anti-Semitism and preventing future atrocities. Holocaust denial is often rooted in anti-Semitic beliefs and is not supported by credible historical evidence.

2024-07-27 05:03:29

How do you make a brandy sour?


To make a Brandy Sour, a popular cocktail in North Cyprus, follow these steps: ### Ingredients: - 2 oz of brandy - 3/4 oz of fresh lemon juice - 1/2 oz of simple syrup (adjust to taste) - Ice - Lemon twist or cherry for garnish (optional) ### Instructions: 1. **Combine Ingredients**: In a cocktail shaker, add the brandy, lemon juice, and simple syrup. 2. **Shake**: Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds until well chilled. 3. **Strain**: Strain the mixture into a chilled cocktail glass or over fresh ice in a rocks glass. 4. **Garnish**: Add a lemon twist or a cherry for garnish, if desired. Enjoy your Brandy Sour!

2024-07-27 00:35:14

Is Cyprus Turkish or Greek


Cyprus is a divided island with two main parts: the southern part, known as the Republic of Cyprus, which is predominantly Greek Cypriot, and the northern part, known as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), which is predominantly Turkish Cypriot. The TRNC is recognized only by Turkey and not by the international community. The situation is a result of historical tensions and a conflict that culminated in a Turkish invasion in 1974, following a Greek-led coup.

2024-07-26 02:40:32

How many steps are there to buffa vento castle


Buffavento Castle in North Cyprus is situated at a high elevation, and there are approximately 180 steps leading up to the castle. These steps take visitors from the base to the top, where the castle offers stunning views of the surrounding area.

2024-07-25 17:27:49



Zivania is a traditional Cypriot spirit, primarily produced in the northern part of Cyprus, including the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). It is a type of pomace brandy, made from the leftover grape skins, seeds, and stems after wine production, and is often distilled with anise and other aromatic herbs. Zivania typically has a high alcohol content, usually around 40% to 50%. It is known for its strong flavor and is often enjoyed as an aperitif or digestif. The drink is deeply rooted in Cypriot culture and is frequently served during celebrations, festivals, and family gatherings. In terms of production, Zivania is considered not only a local beverage but also a part of the region's identity, with various distilleries across Northern Cyprus producing their own versions. The drink is sometimes marketed as a medicinal tonic, believed to have various health benefits. The production of Zivania is regulated in the TRNC, with efforts to maintain traditional methods and improve quality, contributing to its reputation both locally and in the overseas markets where it is exported.

2024-07-25 17:26:23

When was the Panayia griniatissa monastery built and occupaid?


The Panayia Griniatissa Monastery, located in North Cyprus, is believed to have been established in the 18th century, specifically in 1805. The monastery was occupied during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, which led to significant changes in the political and cultural landscape of the island. Today, it remains a site of historical interest.

2024-07-25 15:53:06

When will North Cyprus use solar energy


As of now, North Cyprus is actively exploring and investing in solar energy projects to diversify its energy sources and reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels. The government has set ambitious targets for renewable energy, aiming for a significant increase in the use of solar power in the coming years. In 2022, a plan was proposed to produce 30% of its energy from renewable sources by 2030, with solar being a major focus due to the region's high solar potential. Various solar farms and rooftop solar installations have been initiated, and further developments are planned as the country works towards these renewable energy goals. For the latest updates on specific dates or projects, it would be best to check with local news sources or government announcements as developments may evolve rapidly.

2024-07-25 11:34:50

Are the any films set in North Cyprus?


Yes, there are several films set in North Cyprus. Some notable examples include: 1. **"The Dancer" (2015)** - This film is set against the backdrop of North Cyprus and revolves around the life of a talented dancer navigating personal and professional challenges. 2. **"Ghosts of the Republic" (2009)** - A documentary that explores the political and social landscape of North Cyprus through various narratives. 3. **"The Boy Who Became a King" (2019)** - Part of the film is filmed in North Cyprus, showcasing its diverse landscapes and historical sites. These films utilize North Cyprus's unique cultural and historical scenery as part of their storytelling.

2024-07-25 11:22:44

how cold is it in December?


In December, temperatures in North Cyprus typically range from about 10°C to 17°C (50°F to 63°F). It's generally mild, but can be cooler in the evenings and early mornings. Rainfall is more common during this month, so it's good to be prepared for occasional wet weather as well.

2024-07-25 06:04:35

what is the hottest month?


The hottest month in North Cyprus is typically August, with average temperatures often exceeding 30°C (86°F).

2024-07-25 06:04:21

Who is veysel şahin?


Veysel Şahin is a prominent Turkish Cypriot politician and a member of the National Unity Party (UBP) in North Cyprus. He has served in various political roles and is known for his involvement in issues related to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). As of 2023, he was serving as the Minister of National Education, Youth, and Sports in the TRNC government. His work often focuses on education and youth policy in the region.

2024-07-24 23:42:21

Who is yaşam ayavefe?


As of my last update in October 2023, I do not have any relevant information on an individual named Yaşam Ayavefe in the context of North Cyprus. It’s possible that they’re a local figure or a personality who has gained prominence more recently. For the most accurate and current information, you may want to check local news sources or social media platforms.

2024-07-24 23:41:13

Who is ersan saner?


Ersan Saner is a Turkish Cypriot politician who has served as the Prime Minister of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). He is a member of the National Unity Party (UBP). Saner took office as Prime Minister in January 2022. Prior to this position, he held various roles within the TRNC government, including Minister of Health and Minister of Tourism and Environment. His political career has been characterized by efforts to address economic challenges and governance issues in Northern Cyprus.

2024-07-24 23:39:34

Who are sarallar?


The Sarallar are a Turkish Cypriot community in North Cyprus. They are known to be a small, distinct group within the Turkish Cypriot population. Historically, they are believed to be the descendants of migrants from Anatolia who settled in Cyprus during the Ottoman period. The Sarallar have their own unique cultural practices and dialect, which distinguish them from other Turkish Cypriots. They primarily reside in and around the region of Karpaz in North Cyprus. The community has preserved its traditions and identity over the years, contributing to the cultural diversity of the Turkish Cypriot society.

2024-07-24 23:38:30

Who is sedat peker?


Sedat Peker is a prominent Turkish gangster and organized crime figure known for his criminal activities and connections within Turkey. He has gained notoriety for his involvement in various illegal enterprises, including racketeering and extortion. Peker has also attracted significant media attention due to his social media presence and controversial statements about political figures and corruption in Turkey. His revelations and claims have had political implications and stirred public interest in Turkey and beyond. While he primarily operates in Turkey, his name and actions have been widely discussed in relation to organized crime in the region, including areas like Northern Cyprus, which has historical ties with Turkey.

2024-07-24 23:37:38

Who is erkam yıldırım?


Erkam Yıldırım is a prominent figure in North Cyprus, known for his work in the field of economics and as an academic. He has been involved in various initiatives related to economic development and policy in the region. Additionally, he has served in roles that promote economic studies and research in North Cyprus. His contributions are significant in shaping economic discourse and addressing local economic challenges.

2024-07-24 23:36:26

Who is “Ertuğ Dilaver” not ertuğrul


Ertuğ Dilaver is a Turkish Cypriot politician and member of the National Unity Party (UBP) in Northern Cyprus. He has served in various governmental roles and is known for his contributions to politics in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). His political career includes involvement in local governance and legislative activities, focusing on issues pertinent to the Turkish Cypriot community. For the most accurate and detailed information about his current role and activities, it’s best to check recent news sources or official announcements from the TRNC government.

2024-07-24 23:34:40

Who is halil falyali?


Halil Falyalı was a well-known businessman and the owner of a casino and hotel in North Cyprus. He gained prominence in the region for his involvement in the tourism and hospitality industry. Unfortunately, Falyalı was murdered in a shooting incident in February 2022, which garnered significant media attention and raised concerns about organized crime and safety in North Cyprus. His death was a high-profile case, reflecting the intertwining of business and crime in the area.

2024-07-24 23:33:56

Who is ertug dilaver?


Ertuğrul Dilaver is a notable figure in Northern Cyprus, recognized primarily for his role in athletics, particularly as a football player. He has played for various teams in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and he has been involved in coaching and promoting sports in the region. His contributions to football have made him a respected figure in the local sports community. Beyond athletics, there may be other individuals with similar names, but Ertuğrul Dilaver is specifically associated with sports in Northern Cyprus.

2024-07-24 23:33:23

Who is kutlu adali?


Kutlu Adalı was a prominent Turkish Cypriot journalist and writer, known for his outspoken views and criticism of both the Turkish Cypriot leadership and the political situation in Cyprus. He was born in 1935 and became well-known for his work in advocating for freedom of the press and political reform. Adalı was particularly focused on issues of human rights and democracy in Northern Cyprus. Tragically, Kutlu Adalı was assassinated in 1996, an act that drew significant attention to the challenges facing journalists in the region and raised concerns about political violence. His death remains a poignant symbol of the struggles for democratic expression in North Cyprus.

2024-07-24 23:20:13